Baked Brie

Delicious baked gooey brie - the ultimate addition to your next cheese platter!

Unfortunately I’ll never be able to have a cheese platter without this baked brie again! It is a MUST and takes it to the next level!

The delicious melty brie, topped with honey and hints of garlic on a piece of crusty bread is seriously what dreams are made of!

I can guarantee if you served this up as an appetiser for a dinner party, your friends will LOVE it!

The rosemary also adds a really nice hint of flavour, and your house will smell incredible.

As you can see in the photo, it is seriously special.

Let me know in the comments if you’ve tried it and loved it!

Prep Time: 5 min

Cooking Time: 15 min

Serves: 4


  • Triple cream brie - any size! I used a large half wheel wrapped in foil, but if you can find one that is sold in a little wooden box then that is perfect as you can bake it in that

  • 1 TBS honey

  • 1 TBS olive oil

  • 1-3 garlic cloves (depending on size of brie(0

  • Few sprigs of rosemary



Preheat oven to 160c fan forced

Place your brie on foil & then baking paper (if wrapping it in foil)

Remove the rind from the top of the brie and cut little slits all over

Thinly slice your garlic and then insert into the little slits along with some rosemary

Drizzle the olive oil all over the top

Wrap in foil

Bake for 15 mins

Drizzle with honey and serve with some crusty bread



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